DISC Assessment

Gain insights to build better, stronger, more fulfilling relationships in your business and personal lives.
This DISC Assessment is used to get a fast estimate of your DISC assessment profile based on answers to 10 short questions. You can probably finish it in less than 10 minutes. The results will help gain insights that can be used to better understand why you communicate the way you do and how you can communicate with others more effectively in your business as well as your personal life. With your results, you can:
- Improve interpersonal communications
- Connect with co-workers more effectively
- Understand what you need to be most successful
- Interact with your customers better
Directions for taking the assessment:
- The DISC assessment has 10 sections.
- In each section, you’ll see 4 words.
- For each section, rate the words from 1 to 4:
- Mark 4 next to the word that most describes you.
- Mark 1 next to the word that least describes you.
- Use 3 and 2 for the other two words. 3 is for the word that describes you more, and 2 for the one that describes you less.
- After rating the words in each section, click “Next.”
- Once you finish all 10 sections, click the “Submit” button.

To continue:
- Put in the password you were given below.
- Click “Next”.
- Fill out the first page form.
- Be sure to put in who referred you.